21 Courageous Prayers
Day twenty-one Prayer:
“God, because of You, we lack for nothing. Everything we could ever need can be found in You. When we are lonely, You bring us comfort. When we are hurting, You provide relief. When we are afraid, You give us courage. You are our shepherd who guides us, protects us, and keeps us safe from harm. Because of Your never-ending love, we have all we could ever want or need. We give ourselves over to You in complete submission. Thank You for meeting our deepest longings. We love You. Amen.”
21 Courageous prayers:
Happy New Year! Thanks for signing up and joining us as we go through Gary Rohrmayer’s booklet “21 Courageous Prayers”! For the next 21 days we will post a prayer or short devotional thought related to the day’s reading. We hope you’ll find this study both encouraging and transformative in your own personal prayer life.
Day One Prayer:
“Lord, today, help us to remember that You are not a distant God far removed from His creation. Remind us of Your love. Remind us of our stance as Your children. Like a child before his father, may we approach You with the confidence knowing that You care deeply about our struggles, concerns, and worries and want us to bring them to You.”
“Lord, when life doesn’t go the way we think it should, remind us of Your promises and remind us that You are still a safe place to fall. Be our rock when all else feels shaky. Help us to stand firm in You.”
“Father, like Asaph, help us to be honest with you in our confessions and with how we really feel deep in our hearts, but please correct our spirits when they lead us astray. Help us to believe and understand that You are truly all we need. You, oh God, are the only One who can satisfy us forever.”
“God, show us what it means to be fully satisfied in You. Our tendency is to fill our lives with things, money, work, relationships in an effort to find fulfillment, but ultimately You are the only One who could fill that that longing deep in our hearts. Like David, we want to shout, ‘You alone are my cup and my portion!’ We want to be satisfied in You. Lord, please show us how.”
Day five Prayer:
“When the circumstances that surround us are difficult, when life seems to be tearing apart at the seams, Father helps us to find our joy in You. When our struggles seek to rob of us our happiness, help us to stand firm in You. You and You alone, God, are our joy – our exceeding, everlasting joy.”
Day Six Prayer:
“God, if there is sin in our lives that we have ignored, bring it to the forefront of our minds. May we never take lightly the impact of our sin or forget the incredible depth of Your love as evidenced on the cross. Thank You for Your mercy and unfailing grace. Thank You for loving us in spite of ourselves. May our eyes and heart be always fixed on Your finished, redeeming work.”
Day Seven Prayer:
“In the dark nights of our souls, in the depths of our struggles, show us what it means to take refuge in You, oh God. When our shame and loneliness try to overtake us, may we run only to You. Guard our hearts, Father, for You are our refuge. Our hope is in You and You alone.”
Day eight Prayer:
“Father, like the sun, Your light shines in even our darkest days. Help us to never lose our sense of wonder and awe when we are reminded of Your love. Please be our guiding light. Show us what we are missing and show us what we need to see. Help us to experience Your presence in a new way today.”
Day nine Prayer:
“Father, show us what is means to have You as our hiding place. Remind us that You totally and completely accept us – all of our baggage, sins, and failures included. Help us to learn to run to You in confession instead of away from You in shame. Lord, remind our hearts that You will always love us more.”
Day TEN Prayer:
“Lord, we love You. We want to serve You in the best way we know how. Teach us to cling to You the way King David did. Be our strength and our source of confidence. Father, You are able to do far greater than we could ever imagine in spite of our circumstances or own shortcomings. Show us what it truly means to trust in You. Help us to love You more today than we did yesterday. You are all we need. God, You and You alone satisfy our every longing.”
Day eleven Prayer:
“Lord, sometimes the problems and giants we face in this life can really wear us down. When we feel overwhelmed by what lies ahead, bring this psalm to mind and remind us that You are our protector. You are our safe place. Give us the strength and courage to face the days ahead because, in the end, we know that You remain on the throne and nothing that comes against You will prevail.”
Day twelve Prayer:
“Jesus, we love You. You have rescued us from the depths of our own depravity. You loved us enough to leave Your throne in Heaven and step into our mess. You came as our Redeemer and adopted us into Your family. Nothing we’ve done or could do warrants this kindness -- it just flows out of who You are. Fill our hearts with Your love so that our words and actions draw others to you. Thank You for being the kind, gracious, and loving Father that You are.”
Day thirteen Prayer:
“Dear Jesus, in every situation, in every circumstance, through every tear and sleepless night, You are right there with us. When the darkness surrounds us, You remain the same faithful Father that You’ve always been. You are our helper when we feel helpless. You are our security when everything else is falling apart. You are our courage when we our fears are raging and You carry us through every trouble. We praise You because we know that in every situation, You still reign. We love you Jesus. Thank you for loving us enough to walk with us through this life. We praise You!”
“Father God, be my shield and protect me from whatever struggles and difficulties I might encounter today. Guard my heart and spirit. Help me to fully trust in You as my redeemer and savior. Thank You for caring for me and keeping me safe.”
Day fifteen Prayer:
“Lord, we surrender all that we are and all that we have to You. We give it all to You. Show us Your goodness and mercy when we run to You for help. Keep us safe, Father. We lift all of our struggles, fears, and worries to You.”
Day sixteen Prayer:
“Father, in You we are safe. Circumstances in our lives may try to tear us down or cause us to retreat in fear, but You, oh God, are where our strength lies. You have promised to protect us. Your loves overshadows all. Even when we cannot see the end or fear happiness will forever escape us, You stand strong promising to see us through it all. Thank you, Father. You are our safe place.”
Day seventeen Prayer:
“Father God, teach us that You are safe. Scripture tells us to cast all of our burdens onto You and You will sustain us, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Help us to trust You more with our pain. It is too great a burden for us to carry, but we know that nothing is too big or complicated for You. You are a great and mighty, loving Father. Help us to learn to run to You first.”
Day eighteen Prayer:
“Father, we love You. And because we believe that You are our loving, gracious Father, we trust You. We want to live a life that is pleasing to You. We want Your holy word to guide us in our life. We trust You with every part of our being. Thank You for not leaving us to go through this life alone.”
Day nineteen Prayer:
“Father God, we praise You! You have promised to be our light in the darkness, our hope when our worries overwhelm us, and our courage when doubt creeps in. You are all we need and everything we need. As King David explained, You are our salvation, our fortress of protection, our sanctuary, and our loving Father. Because of You, we have nothing to fear. We praise You!”
Day twenty Prayer:
“Dear Jesus, all of our hope is found in You! You are our victory. You are our defender. You are our salvation. Because of You, we are redeemed, protected, and loved. You have rescued us from the depths of our depravity! We praise You! All of our hope is in You Jesus!”