At-Home Communion Procedures 

Should we take communion at home with our families or not? 

Our answer is YES! While we are convinced that communion is best taken together as communal event in a church body, we understand that the due to current health concerns, not everyone is able to be physically present to join. If such is the case for you, we encourage you to consider taking communion at home with your loved ones (friends, family, neighbors). 

What items do I need? 

An unleavened bread item such as a cracker, tortilla, or matzo, and a drink such as grape juice or red wine. These communion elements, though simple in nature, act as representations of the body and blood of Jesus that was broken and poured out for us at the cross. 

5 Steps to Take Communion with Your Family: 

    • 1. Prepare

      • Prepare the elements (bread and grape juice) in a way that set it apart. Prepare your heart. Prepare the Scripture reading – 1 Corinthians 11:23-31. 

    • 2. Pray

      • Pray a simple prayer of commitment. Example: “Jesus, though this may be new for us, we want to worship You. We commit ourselves to You.” 

    • 3. Read

      • Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-31. 

    • 4. Pass

      • Pass the elements. Serve the bread first and then the wine or grape juice. As you do, reflect on and remember Christ’s sacrifice made for us on the cross. 

    • 5. Pray

      • Pray a prayer of thanksgiving once finished. Example: “Dear Jesus, we want to take a moment to just thank You. Thank You for Your sacrifice. Thank You for taking on our place on the cross. Thank You for enduring what You did so that we could have a relationship with You. We love You. Amen.”